As we know that 8051 has 4 ports . These ports can be used as simple input output ports.
When we want to use any pin of any port as input we have to write 1 to its corresponding latch
And for output we have to write 0 .
When any pin is written 1 it serves 5v to the external hardware and when 0 serves 0V.

                         Input output programing in C

This program will toggle all the ports after 1 sec and this task will be repeated infinite times

#include<reg51.h>                    \\header file for 8051
void delay(unsigned int);         \\function prototype
void main()                                 \\intializing the main function
While(1)                                      \\super loop
P0=0x00;                                       \\write  0 to all pins of port0
P1=0x00;                                        \\write  0 to all pins of port1
P2=0x00;                                         \\write  0 to all pins of port2
P3=0x00;                                          \\write  0 to all pins of port3
delay(1000);                                   \\1 sec delay
P0=0xff;                                             \\write 1 to all pins of port0
P1=0xff;                                             \\write 1 to all pins of port1
P2=0xff;                                              \\write 1 to all pins of port2
P3=0xff;                                              \\write 1 to all pins of port3

\\delay subroutine
void delay(unsigned int x)
unsigned int i,j;

Port 3 is also used for special functions. These are written below

3.0                 RXD                used to receive data serially
3.1                 TXD                 used to transmit data serially
3.2                 INT0               external interrupt 0
3.3                 INT1                external interrupt1
3.4                 T0                    input pin for timer0
3.5                 T1                     input pin for timer1
3.6                 WR                  write signal for external memory
3.7                 RD                    read signal for external memory


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