Simple 12 v Dc to 220 v AC Inverter using 555 Timer


                As we all are familiar with Inverters.It is an electronic device which is used to convert DC (Direct Current) into AC (Alternating Current). A simple Inverter circuit can be made by using 555 Timer in Astable mode.  Recently I made 555 Timer circuit to generate a square wave of 50 Hz. Output of 555 Timer can be used to trigger MOSFETS to make an Power Inverter. 12 V square wave can be stepped up using Step up Transformer.


1.  555 timer IC
2. 10 k resistance
3. 150 k resistnace
4. Two capacitors of 0.1 micro Farad
6. 12-0-12 Transformer
7. General purpose PCB

Circuit Diagram:



                      In this project 555 Timer is used in Astable mode. The output frequency of circuit depends on values of R1, R2 and C.
The relation for the frequency is  1.44/(R1+2R2)C.
I used R1 = 10k ohm, R2 = 150k ohm and C = .1 microfarad.

To read the working of 555 timer in Astable mode click here


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